Save up to $2110 per year for your preschooler at our childcare centres in Sydney with the Start Strong Program!
The NSW Government has introduced a new preschool fee relief program through the Start Strong Affordable Preschool initiative in 2023 as part of its $1.3 billion Affordable Preschool program from the start of 2023.
Families attending a preschool program at a long day care service will receive up to $2110 per year subsidy for every child, who is at least 4 years old, on or before 31 July 2023 and enrolled in a long day care preschool program.
To be eligible for the Start Strong Affordable Preschool fee relief program, a child will need to be at least 4 years old on or before 31 July 2023 and not be receiving the fee relief from another service.
All NSW families are eligible regardless of Citizenship or residency status. The Start Strong funding is additional to and will not affect families’ Child Care Subsidy (CCS) payments.
How will it work?
The fee relief payment is an annual flat rate of $2110 per eligible child. You can break this down to a weekly fee relief of $40.57 ($2110/52 weeks) which will be applied to your family’s account as a fortnightly credit.
How do I access the fee relief?
If you are wondering how to claim the Start Strong Affordable Preschool fee relief, contact our Family Relations Team to receive the fee relief declaration form. Families are required to complete a declaration form to nominate the long daycare centre they would like to receive fee relief from.
You can only receive this fee relief at one centre at a time. This is confirmed by the completion of the declaration form.
To find out more about the Start Strong Preschool program, head to our Start Strong Page.
If you have any questions or would like to tour one of our 15 centres please contact our family relations team today!