Active Kids Healthy Living Ambassador

Libby Babet is our Childcare Healthy Living Ambassador!
We’re very excited to welcome passionate health & fitness personality Libby Babet to the Active Kids family as our healthy living ambassador for our childcare centres across Sydney!
Libby is not just a personal trainer – she’s also a speaker, presenter, author, business owner and mum of two young kids, so if anyone knows how important and also how tough it can be to stay fit and healthy with a lot on your plate, it’s her!
If you’re not familiar with Libby, here’s a quick intro – she’s a former trainer on the more holistic ‘Transformed’ series of Channel 10’s hit show The Biggest Loser, is the founder of Sydney fitness/dance conditioning studio The Upbeat, co-founder of healthy snack companies Beauty Food and Chief Nutrition, co-owner of women’s business retreat Nurture Her and just because she has loads of spare time she’s also co-founding a sustainable activewear brand Earthletica! The bubbly fitness pro loves making people smile and feel more upbeat about life by getting them excited about health and fitness.
Find Out More About Libby
We asked Libby to tell us a bit more about her philosophy and why she was so thrilled to become part of our Active Kids Group Childcare family and help us all stay healthy and energised!
“I’ve always loved people (kids most of all, in fact my very first business was as a kids party entertainer when I was only 13!), and I truly believe I was put on this planet to help others be happier, feel good about themselves and live life to the full. Fitness and nutrition has proven to be the most impactful way for me to do that.
When it comes to fitness, what I’ve found is that movement just makes people feel better about life. People who are fit and love movement are, generally, pretty happy people, probably because they have a physical/mental outlet they can access whenever they need it. The problem is so many are too scared to do it or turned off by a narrow image of what fitness is and that’s such a shame because fitness gives you the capability, the mental focus and the energy to get out there and make the most of your life. It can also give you, your daycare centre and the community a sense of belonging that seems to be disappearing from our society.
What will our Healthy Living Ambassador bring to Active Kids Group?
Parenting Tips
As a mum herself, Libby will provide some fun parenting tips to help you and your child during your childcare journey with Active Kids Group.
Nutritious Snacks and Recipes
Stuck on some nutritional snacks to give your child? Stay tuned to our Instagram, Facebook and website blog posts for some great recipes you can use!
Parents & Kids Fitness Classes
Come join Libby throughout the year for some pop up Active Kids Group Fitness classes. Keep and eye out for when her pop up class will be coming near your childcare centre!
Learn & Grow Appearances
Libby can’t wait to take part in our Learn and Grow Fitness and Dance classes, whilst putting her own twist on your child’s favourite childcare program!
Home Activities
Make sure you’re following our Instagram page as Libby will be joining us in uploading regular reels to showcase some great at home activities for you and your child!
Weekend Fun
Libby has some great weekend activities that you, your child and your whole family can take part in on those days that you aren’t at your AKG childcare centre.
Find Libby On Our Instagram