Active Kids Group are committed to protecting the health and safety of our Active Kids Group children, family and teams. At our child care centres in Sydney, we are continuing to take advice from the Commonwealth and State Departments of Health and Education, and acting on that advice accordingly.
We are continuing to practice good hygiene and physical distancing (where possible). We have:
- Intensified regular cleaning procedures
- Have hand sanitiser available at numerous locations throughout all our services
- Children have their temperature checked
- Designated drop off and pick up areas
- Thorough cleaning of objects and surfaces across all of our services
- Upholding face mask advice from the government
If you or your child are feeling sick:
Please if you or your child have any COVID symptoms please do not attend or visit our child care centres in Sydney until your symptoms pass. If someone in your household has tested positive to COVID-19, is a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case and/or is awaiting a COVID-19 test result, please contact your service coordinator immediately. We will keep in contact with you on when it is safe to return.
We encourage all families who are concerned to visit the Department of Health’s website, which is updated daily: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
Booking a Tour
We are excited to welcome you into our child care centres, so feel free to contact us today to organise a tour! Due to COVID regulations, only one parent will be allowed to visit the centre for a tour. We appreciate your understanding and we can’t wait to show you around! Click here to book a tour now!
From everyone at Active Kids Group, we thank you for your patience during this challenging time and we appreciate your support.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.