Clyde Street Early Learning Centre is one of Active Kids Group child care centres in North Bondi, nestled in a beautiful quiet cul-de-sac. This service caters to the needs of all children and families from 18 months to school age, inclusive of a school readiness program. Clyde Street, together with our local schools join together in a transition to school program.
Whilst getting to know the child through interaction and observation, we consider each child’s developmental needs and provide for their many challenging yet positive strengths based learning experiences that ignite each child’s self belief in themselves and what they are able to achieve. For the happiness of our children, families, visitors and staff we aim within Clyde Street to have a friendly home away from home. We remind each other to view ourselves daily with fresh eyes and make sure our physical environment is inviting and organised so as to spark children’s curiosity and inspire exploration, discovery and play throughout the day.
At out child care in North Bondi, meal time and its preparation are very important to us. We believe fresh seasonal produce is best and these are reflected in our daily healthy meal plans. Clyde Street Early Learning Centre offers morning tea – which is a platter of different seasonal fruits. Lunch, – a hot meal cooked in our kitchen, comprising of a protein (meat, fish, chicken or vegetarian), a carbohydrate and loads of vegetables. Our amazing day care chef is able to adapt the menu to suit different dietary requirements. Munch and Move as well as the NSW Health, guide our menu planning and healthy eating habits. The backdrop for our outdoor area is a magnificent rock cliff. The playground has a large free spaced area for children to be able to develop many gross motor skills. This safe child care area also features two slides, a sandpit, cubby house and a small natural garden. A large covered deck area allows children to use this space to explore and investigate their ideas whilst at our day care centre.
You can check out all that is going on at our Clyde St Child Care Centre by visiting our Instagram.
To join our Active Kids Group family book a tour at our Clyde St child care centre or contact us today!